Ultra-processed foods pose risk for respiratory diseases

Graphic of fattening processed foods including hamburgers, pizzas, hot dogs, pretzels and more.

New research from the South Australia Health and Medical Research Institute has shown a diet high in ultra-processed foods (UPF) significantly increases the risk of death from a variety of chronic respiratory diseases, including COPD.

The study, led by PhD candidate Tefera Mekonnen and published in the European Journal of Nutrition, collected data from more than 96,000 people living in the U.S. and across multiple decades from 1999 to 2018, and analyzed the impact of heavily processed food consumption on chronic respiratory diseases.

“We found that participants with a diet consisting of more than 40% UPF had a 26% higher risk of dying from COPD and a 10% higher risk of death from chronic respiratory diseases, including lung cancer, chronic bronchitis and asthma,” Mekonnen said. “Participants who consumed the largest amount of UPF were typically younger, with a higher BMI and a greater risk of diabetes, emphysema and high blood pressure.”

Examples of ultra-processed foods include chips, chocolate, lollipops, cookies, processed meat, fried chicken, soft drinks, ice cream and more. 

“These foods are full of preservatives and additives that get into the bloodstream and may contribute oxidative stress and chronic inflammation, exacerbating respiratory conditions,” Mekonnen said.

The study is one of the most extensive investigations to date on the impact of ultra-processed foods on respiratory health. Researchers said they wouldn’t expect to find any major differences between the U.S. and other Western countries because the populations follow a similar diet.

“Our research suggests limiting the intake of ultra-processed foods could significantly improve respiratory health and reduce the risk of mortality from chronic respiratory diseases,” Mekonnen said.

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