Smoking is leading cause of COPD

Graphic of smoke in the shape of lungs.

A brief from the World Health Organization reveals that smoking accounts for more than 70% of COPD cases in high-income countries and remains the leading cause of COPD worldwide.

In low- and middle-income countries (LMIC), smoking accounts for 30-40% of COPD cases with household air pollution being the other major risk factor.

David MG Halpin, MD, consultant physician and professor of respiratory medicine at the University of Exeter Medical School, said COPD is the third most common cause of death worldwide. He said the number of smokers in LMICs is on the rise.

“COPD due to smoking remains a major problem globally, and there is a growing epidemic of smokers in low- and middle-income countries as tobacco companies actively seek new customers,” he said. “Around 80% of the world's 1.3 billion tobacco users now live in LMIC. This will undoubtedly lead to an enormous increase in the global burden of COPD in the coming decades. We must act now to reduce smoking rates, to ensure people with COPD are diagnosed as early as possible and to ensure all patients around the world receive effective therapy.”

Findings show that tobacco smoke dramatically impacts children’s lung development, substantially increasing the risk of COPD later in life. Ruediger Krech, MD, WHO director of health promotion, said the tobacco industry uses aggressive marketing strategies to promote nicotine and tobacco products that target children and adolescents.

“Now is the time to act. Governments must implement effective tobacco control measures to protect the most vulnerable, particularly children,” he said. “Protecting our youth and raising awareness about the tobacco industry’s deceptive marketing tactics is a top priority in the global fight against tobacco.”

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