The Allergy & Asthma Network has launched a year-long campaign to increase patient awareness about the importance of asthma control. The campaign, “Is Your Asthma Under Control?” is designed to improve respiratory health and quality of life for people who have asthma.
As a chronic disease with no known cure, most physicians encourage patients to manage symptoms and avoid triggers. However, not all patient cases are well-controlled, and some must be referred to a specialist.
It’s important to teach patients to recognize asthma triggers, including high pollen counts, indoor mold, exposure to cigarette smoke, dust mites and pets. The “Is Your Asthma Under Control?” campaign encourages patients to use the “Rules of Two” to know whether their asthma is control. Physicians can educate patients by reminding them that signs of uncontrolled asthma include experiencing asthma symptoms more than two days a week, waking up at night due to asthma two or more times per month, refilling their quick-relief inhaler prescription more than two times per year, taking oral corticosteroids two or more times per year and measuring changes in their peak flow with asthma symptoms more than 20%.
Physicians should create an Asthma Action Plan for patients, which includes prescription medicine and when to use it. There are several reasons why a patient’s asthma may be out of control. Check with your patients to determine if they are following their Asthma Action Plan, whether they are on the right medicine and if they are using their inhaler correctly.
Some types of asthma are difficult to control, such as eosinophilic asthma with Type 2 inflammation. Eosinophilic asthma may require special medications called biologics.